Run your computer without harddisk and conect with Internet thoroughly !!

you can use alternative hard
the answer cant make you happy and i can see that: ).
ok you can run your computer without a hard disk. even you can connect with Internet without harddisk. and here is the tip to do it :
you have to make a ISO bootable CD or a bootable iso pendrive to run your computer without a harddisk. this live CD or pendrive help you to run your computer, even you can easily connect with internet in that way. after finishing the boot you can see the internet connection menu at the right bottom corner..
At first we need a live operating system iso which do not need to install. Download this small software. to get it click below. It is small (only 13mb). and make a live ISO CD or pendrive.
Linux Mint 13 Maya:
this operating system feature's really impress you. technically you can do a lot of things with can ask me where i can save my file? it is easy- use Google drive or just plug in a pen drive to save your file. you can easily do your daily work by this process
even if you don't want to burn a CD, you can use the pen drive to do so. you just need to make the pen drive boot-able.
you may ask:
how to make a live CD.: Create a boot-able CD
how to make a boot-able pen drive: Create a boot-able pen drive
So enjoy the riding..thank you.
Run your computer without harddisk and conect with Internet thoroughly !!
Reviewed by
12:36:00 AM
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