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Amazing world

I have some new information about the mysterious world., maybe you know most of them or maybe not. there is no limit of knowledge . Let's do something about that. 

► 70%
toy products of total  are madein China!
► ► Did you know that, india has the highest post office than
any other country .
► ► "level" is the word which is stay same if you reverse its  characters .

► ► without c , a egg contains all vitamins.

► ► Did you know, the world's total sales of candle are bought by 96% girls?
► ► You will be surprised, after using a public restroom or bathroom in 4% of men and 5% mahilai do not clean their hands! ► ► Did you know, people in Switzerland eat the most chocolate? each one eat an average of about 10 kg of the year!
► ►Australia is the only continent where there is no living volcano!
► ► average
6000 per minute  Lightning is occurred in the whole world!
► ►Hippo attacks more than any other animal  in African continent which cause more people die a year!
► ► Did you know, the original birth place of Francis  fries is not in France, but Belgium?
Interesting information is listed below: 

► ► "people who travel often forget to take their Toothbrush!" ► ► Birth rate   in August than any other month.Thus, the month of August is the birthday of the most!
► ►  you can not enjoy the taste of food
until the food mix with saliva in your mouth!
► ►To create most of the lipstick
use the tow of fish.

► ► English transliterate the maximum use of the letter is "E" and the most used letters in the "Q"??  

► ► girls heart  is beating faster than boys heart.
► ► ancient Egypt would make the fire burn with mummy.Because there was less wood, but mummy is more than they use!
► ► Antarctica got the most width of thick the ice pieces, you know? 3 miles!

► ► 1,03,689 times heart is beating!

► ► The blood flow is 16,80,000 miles!
► ► In 0.00007 nails grow!
► ►
Guys use an average of 2000 wordsand girls use an average of 5000 words in 24 hours!

► ► The blood can not be created .you have to donate or take from others.
► ► researchers found that  25% of people  have needed blood   any time of his lifetime.► ► If you have more than 18 years of age and more than 50 kg of your weight when you can take part in blood donation program ..
► ► for a bag of blood takes 45 to 60 minutes ..
► ► after donate blood, blood  be re-created in your body just takes 4-48 hours ..

► ► If you get a cup of coffee and 100 within four hours of inevitable death!
► ► 99% of the people when press wrong a character of the password then they delete with the backspace and re-type it!
► ► 70 percent of the united states people don't believe of the event that the landing on moon.
► ►  per minute  about 20 million people watch porn on internet! 


► ► Australia children can not buy cigarettes! Because it is lawless! But they can smoke.
► ►
to use the TV you have to have license  in England!
► ► for driving in Thailand, you must be wearing  the shirt! In other words, you can not run  cars without wear anything !

► ►  Jumping from a tall building in New York bail  the punishment is death! (In other words, if someone was jumping on the sustainability of the recovery, but then again, he will be sentenced death!)

► ► African flies ,cicada fly spend 17 years in asleep! They wake up just before two weeks of their death. Their main job is to crate generation !
► ► DELL computer company owned by Michael Dell has only 1000 dollars, at the age of 19 yearswhen he has stated the business!

► ► A information on this amazing, one of New York in the year, 1,600 people biting other people.

জেন্টস গারমেন্টস বা পুরূষদের জামার বোতাম থাকে ডান দকে আর লেডিজ গারমেন্টস বা মেয়েদের পোষাকের জামার বোতাম থাকে বাঁ দিকে 
প্রতি দিন প্রায় ২০০ মিলিয়ন কাপল্‌ পরস্পর  পরস্পর এর  প্রেম  বন্ধনে আবদ্ধ হয় । প্রতিদিন গড়ে ৪০০,০০০ সন্তান জন্মগ্রহন করে আর গড়ে প্রায় ১৪০,০০০ মানুষ মারা যায় ।
Amazing world Reviewed by on 10:07:00 PM Rating: 5

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